Recommended events

Recommended events

These events let you measure additional features and behavior and generate more useful reports in Oppizi. Because these events require additional context to be meaningful, they are not sent automatically. Use this article to see the required and optional parameters for each event

All events should be sent to the Create event endpoint



This event indicates that a user has signed up for an account.


userId required
Enables us to link the signup to any future orders made by the same user. Will be hashed by us.

coupon required
Add if a promotional code was used during signup.

metadata optional
Could be key/value as string or string[].
Supports maximum 50 entries. Key length has a limit of 40 characters maximum. Value length has a limit of 256 characters maximum.

Request body

  "eventName": "Signups",
  "userId": "e5554129-8abe-4ff8-8654-99722fa72313",
  "coupon": "SALE234",
  "metadata": {
    "orderId": 182394


fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: new Headers({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    Authorization: 'Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
  body: JSON.stringify({
    eventName: 'Signups',
    userId: 'e5554129-8abe-4ff8-8654-99722fa72313',
    coupon: 'SALE234',
    metadata: {
      orderId: 182394,


This event signifies when conversion of the next types happened: signup, order, purchase, redeem, eater, ride, FTE


type required
One of: "Signups", "Orders", "First Order", "Purchases", "First Purchase", "Redeems", "First Redeem", "Eaters", "First Eater"

Type of the conversion event

transactionId required
Enables us to combine a user's orders in order to capture their first order and level and frequency of their spending. Will be hashed by us.

value required
The monetary value of the order. Format to 2 decimals (123.45).

currency required
The currency of the order as a 3 letter abbreviation (USD, EUR, GBP, AUD..).

userId required
Allows us to match future orders from users who previously used an Oppizi promotion code.

coupon optional
Add if some discount code was used during purchase.

discount optional
The monetary value of any discount applied to this event. Format to 2 decimals (123.45). If the discount resulted in $10 off, the value provided should be "10.00", not "-10.00".

metadata optional
Could be key/value as string or string[].
Supports maximum 50 entries. Key length has a limit of 40 characters maximum. Value length has a limit of 256 characters maximum.

Request body

  "eventName": "conversion",
  "type": "Purchases",
  "transactionId": "03be7767-def7-4c53-a48c-241d1f828381",
  "value": "300",
  "currency": "USD",
  "userId": "e5554129-8abe-4ff8-8654-99722fa72313",
  "coupon": "SALE845",
  "discount": "15",
  "metadata": {
    "orderId": 182396


fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: new Headers({
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    Authorization: 'Bearer YOUR_SECRET_KEY',
  body: JSON.stringify({
    eventName: 'conversion',
    type: 'Purchases',
    transactionId: '03be7767-def7-4c53-a48c-241d1f828381',
    value: '300',
    currency: 'USD',
    userId: 'e5554129-8abe-4ff8-8654-99722fa72313',
    coupon: 'SALE845',
    discount: '15',
    metadata: {
      orderId: 182396,
Last updated on December 7, 2023